I am a (final year-) Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at the Georgia Institute of Technology, advised by Dr. Thomas Ploetz. At Georgia Tech, I am associated with the Computational Behavior Analysis and Ubiquitous Computing Lab. I am on the industry job market and am interested in exploeing opportunities that align with my skill set. I look forward to making contributions towards impactful and exciting work.
Research Interest
My research interest broadly focuses on building novel activity recognition pipelines for wearable and nearable sensing devices. During the course of my Ph.D. I have focused on developing machine learning algorithms for activity monitoring and behavior analysis. My dissertation builds pipelines for recognizing activities in smart homes, by observing data collected from residents using nearable sensors. As such I propose a ‘lifespan of a human activity recognition system in smart homes’, which includes (a) initial bootstrapping procedure - aimed at `jump-starting’ the activity recognition system in the home, with minimal supervision from the resident, without considerable wait times; (b) updating and extending the activity recognition system - aimed at improving the recognition capabilities of the initial bootstrapped system; (c) routine assessment - aimed at behavior monitoring of residents over extended periods of observation.
Recent News
- Oct. 2024: Completed the ACM Reviewer Training and Certification
- Oct. 2024: I will be chairing the session on Smart Homes and IoT - Session 10A at Ubicomp 2024! Don’t miss the fascinating line-up of papers on the 9th!
- Sept. 2024: Our paper Maintenance Required: Updating and Extending Bootstrapped Human Activity Recognition Systems for Smart Homes is now available on IEEE Xplore!
- Aug. 2024: TA’ed for the OMSCS - CSS6601: Artificial Intelligence class.
- Aug. 2024: Our paper on Layout agnostic activity recognition in Smart Homes is accepted (with major revisions) to IMWUT ‘24.
- Aug. 2024: I will be working with the Optum Tech AI/ML division of Optum Technology. Excited about this opportunity and looking forward to everything I will learn here!
- July 2024: Our paper Game of LLMs: Discovering Discovering Structural Constructs in Activities using Large Language Models is accepted to HASCA. I will be presenting this work at Ubicomp 2024 in Melbourne, Australia
- May 2024: Our paper Maintaining and Updating Human Activity Recognition Systems for Smart Homes is accepted and presented at the 6th International Conference on Activity and Behavior Computing in Kyushu, Japan
- News prior to 2024